Mark Roemer Oakland Looks at How to Get to Know the Types of Roof Tiles and When You Want to Buy Them
According to Mark Roemer Oakland, if you are considering the possibility of a roof replacement in the near future, it can be a great idea to learn about the different types of roof tiles. There are several types of roof tiles that you can choose from, and each has its own pros and cons. Let’s learn about them and see when you need to consider replacing your old roof.
The Details
Here are the few common types of roof tiles:
- Metal roof tiles
- Slate roof tiles
- Solar roof tiles
- Synthetic cedar roof tiles
- Synthetic Spanish barrel roof tiles
- Composite roof tiles
- Clay roof tiles
- Concrete roof tiles
- Synthetic slate roof tiles
Here are a few signs that tell you it’s time for a roof replacement:
- Loose roof tiles – You can easily check your roof for loose tiles during the annual roof inspection. In order to check them, you need to step on the roof and inspect whether they are firm or loose. If you notice any missing tiles or feel multiple tiles are loose, it means that your roof has become weak, and you should replace them promptly.
- Water damage – Damp patches, mildew, mold, and watermarks on the upper floors of your house are all signs of water damage. Usually, it happens when your roof suffers from water damage, and they need to be replaced as soon as possible to prevent the spread of mold and mildew. Sometimes, you can also notice the growth of mold, mildew, or even notice signs of rot on your roof tiles.
- Sagging – The roof of your house should be straight and in line with the ridge. However, frequent exposure to rainwater or huge amounts of moisture can cause it to get damaged. When that happens, your roof can start to sag in the middle.
Sometimes, too much weight on the roof due to snow and ice buildup during the winter months, or even improper roof installation can lead to a sagging roof and cause severe structural damage to the roof. It is crucial that you replace the roof if you notice any signs of sagging since it could lead to a catastrophic failure and lead to the collapse of your roof.
- Aging roofs – Typically, depending on the type of your roofing material, the maintenance you conduct, and the installation procedure, it can last anywhere between 10-20 years. The lifespan of a roof can be cut short if they are exposed to severe weather conditions such as hailstorms, heavy snow, and heavy rain.
Sometimes, exposure to these harsh weather conditions can also lead to water damage, immense structural damage, missing tiles, roof leaks, and more. Old roofs are at a greater risk of getting damaged and thus they should be replaced with new ones.
Mark Roemer Oakland suggests you conduct proper roof maintenance and periodically check for signs of damage to prolong their longevity. And, if you notice any signs of damage, it is important to fix them promptly to prevent any further damage.
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